Gluten sensitive patients not only have to do their own research regarding their symptoms but they have to self-diagnose and sometimes are forced to interpret their own lab tests!
I just received the following question:
A lady in my group has the following blood work and I need help with
Tissue Transglutaminase AB is 1.2
Endomysial Antibody is Negative
Gliadin IgA is 1
Gliadin IgG is 1
IgA (Immunoglobulin A) is 152
What does this last one mean? Is that a positive reading?
She had been previously diagnosed a few years ago with DH [dermatitis herpetiformis], but the doctor never told her about the GF [gluten-free] diet, so it was just forgotten. Fast forward a few years and now she was diagnosed with MS [multiple sclerosis]. The doctor at the Cleveland Clinic told her she should go on a GF diet because she probably also has celiac.
She met with me to learn about the GF diet. I suggested she get tested
for celiac first, which she did. Soon after she was tested and read the
information I gave her, she read about the DH and then mentioned she
had already been diagnosed with that. The diet is helping, but she would like to
know the meaning of her blood work. It looks to be negative except for the
IgA, but I don't know what the normal range is for that test.
And with DH, can you test negative via regular blood testing? According to
Dr. Green, you can, but I was wondering if anyone has come across this.
She is trying to understand all this and I want to give her the correct information.
Thanks everyone,
Mansfield, OH
What a sad story. I would like to say it’s unique and uncommon but unfortunately quite the opposite is true. The lack of understanding of the damage gluten sensitivity can cause is staggering.
Here’s a woman who several years ago was diagnosed with dermatitis herpetiformis, a very uncomfortable, unsightly skin condition for which the ONLY known treatment IS a gluten-free diet and she is never told about it. Adding insult to injury the gluten she continued to eat may very well be responsible for the autoimmune, degenerative nerve disease she is now diagnosed with, multiple sclerosis.
To answer the question posed regarding lab tests, let’s take them one at a time. First I’d like to mention that if you want accurate data from a doctor regarding a lab result long distance, don’t just include the result itself but also the reference range of the test. Labs differ in this regard and a result is only as valuable as the reference range is also included.
The data below comes from our book, The Gluten Effect – available February 13, 2009.
Anti-tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies - Anti-tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies (tTG antibodies) are auto-antibodies directed against “self” tissue. After gliadin crosses the intestinal lining, a special enzyme called tissue transglutaminase binds to gliadin and takes off a portion of the protein. This portion is called glutamine. tTG antibodies are antibodies that are directed against the complex of gliadin attached to the tissue transglutaminase enzyme. tTG antibodies are 90 percent accurate in Celiac disease because they represent immune system attack at the level of the intestinal lining. Gluten sensitivity that involves minor intestinal injury or no villous atrophy will be less likely detected by tTG antibodies. Therefore, tTG antibodies correlate best with villous atrophy as several studies have supported, and a negative tTG antibody test (or EM antibody test for that matter) does not rule out gluten sensitivity when intestinal involvement is minimal or absent.
Anti-Endomysial Antibodies - Anti-Endomysial Antibodies (EM antibodies) are auto-antibodies. Gliadin is a gluten protein so therefore when the immune system attacks it, is not attacking “self” tissues but instead a foreign food protein. In contrast, as gliadin is absorbed through the intestinal lining, it attaches to the smooth muscle cells of the intestinal wall. EM antibodies are directed against proteins of these smooth muscle cells, and therefore EM antibodies are directed against “self” tissue. This defines them as auto-antibodies.Because EM antibodies attack the smooth muscle of the small intestine, these antibodies correlate better with damage to the intestine wall. Studies have supported an accuracy rate of approximately 90 percent for Celiac disease. Actually in one study, EM antibodies were present in 100 percent of individuals when total villous atrophy was present. However, EM antibodies are ineffective in detecting individuals with silent or subclinical gluten sensitivity. If minor involvement of the intestinal lining occurs or if no intestinal involvement is present, EM antibodies are much less accurate.As with Anti-Gliadin Antibodies, EM antibody testing should evaluate IgG and IgA forms of antibodies. If a gluten sensitive patient is IgA deficient, IgA EM antibodies may be falsely negative even for Celiac disease.
Anti-Gliadin Antibodies - Gliadin is the protein component of gluten that triggers the immune reactions in sensitive people, and therefore many people with gluten sensitivity have antibodies to this protein. Testing for anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) is a simple blood test, but studies have shown that it is less sensitive for detecting Celiac disease compared to other antibodies. The confusion is that the ability of AGA to detect gluten intolerance has been defined in conjunction with a positive intestinal biopsy. While this may be a standard for Celiac disease, we now know that this is an inaccurate standard for gluten sensitivity. In fact, AGA may be the best current diagnostic test when considering all gluten related disorders. In testing for AGA, antibodies of both the IgG and IgA classes are checked since low total levels of IgA may be present. If a person has low total IgA levels, antibody tests for IgA may be falsely negative.
Total Serum IgA Level - Low total levels of IgA antibodies are rarely found in the normal population with one out of every six hundred people having this condition, but in gluten sensitivity, low IgA levels are more common. This reflects the increased IgA antibody production in the intestine to fight off gluten as it attempts to enter our bodies. If a low level of IgA is present, then certainly IgG varieties of the antibody tests described above will be more accurate in diagnosing gluten related conditions. In general, total IgA levels are not ordered often since IgG antibody tests are usually ordered concurrently. Therefore, defining a low IgA level adds little information in making a diagnosis. There is a general theory however that a lower IgA level suggests greater inflammation of the intestinal lining and greater chronicity of disease. A low IgA level may provide some insight into duration of disease.
A high serum IgA level as seen in the above test is likely indicating an infection. Increased serum IgA is common in skin, gut, respiratory and renal infections. We know this patient has DH so secondary skin infections do make sense.
The reader also asks if blood tests can be negative with DH. Yes they can. Also remember that even those diagnosed with celiac disease via biopsy show negative blood results 15% of the time.
That’s why the moral of the story at this time is to evaluate how you feel when you eat 100% gluten-free for a couple of months. Until we have highly sensitive tests we can rely on to accurately diagnose gluten sensitivity, diagnosing will involve “building a case” by pulling together many pieces of information about the patient including symptoms, response to a gluten-free diet, lab tests, genetic history, presence of intestinal infections, etc.
This leads us to explain some things about this particular patient. She has known DH which is solely due to gluten intolerance, yet it can be present with negative blood tests. Does that make the diagnosis or need for a gluten-free diet in question? Not at all. She is now diagnosed with MS. We know that, second to the digestive tract, the most common system to be affected by gluten is the nervous system with autoimmune diseases occurring at a very high rate. Does the negative test ensure that gluten had nothing to do with the development of MS? No, it doesn’t. We’d need to know a lot more about this patient (which by the way is the most difficult part of hearing from readers long distance – I want more data.) but I wouldn’t be surprised to find other factors which point to gluten as the culprit.
Visit us at If you have questions or need any help, I’m here for you! Call 408-733-0400.
I look forward to hearing from you.
To your good health,
Dr Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP
IFM Certified Practitioner
Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Co-author of “The Gluten Effect”
Author of the eBook: “Gluten Intolerance – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!”
Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Co-author of “The Gluten Effect”
Author of the eBook: “Gluten Intolerance – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!”
Was told im not celiac....But I feel horrible. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteFound my old results:
Gliadin Antibody IGG 31 High Range <11
Gliadin Antibody IGA 6 Range <6
Reticulin igg ab <1:10 Range <1:10
Reticulin IGA AB <1:10 Range <1:10
Tissue Transglut. IGA <3 Range <5
Then last year Everything the same but Gliadin IgG 23.4 High Range <10
What does it mean that eveything is normal BUT the Gliadin IgG?
I cannot diagnose you over the internet, of course, but I can tell you that the test the was performed was looking for indicators of both celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. That's good.
ReplyDeleteAnd while the celiac indicators are negative, gliadin antibody testing, whether IgG or IgA, is an indicator of gluten sensitivity.
I would be happy to assist you with more specific advice. Just give us a call for a free health analysis. Call 408-733-0400.
To your good health,
Dr Vikki
ReplyDeleteMy daughter recently had the following blood work results. These were ordered by General Doctor as she was experiencing diarehha. No other major symptoms. The results were/are:
Gluten Sensitivity Panel
Endomysial Ab IgA negative
Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody
t Transglutaminase Ab IgA 23* 0-20 EU/ml
She was advised that she is allergic to all glutens.
Is that correct?
She has been referred for an ?endoscopic examination with a specialist.
Also does being a vegan contribute to this?
Please let us know about the results.
Thanks very much
: )
ReplyDeleteA positive tTG test is indicative of celiac disease. You doctor is recommending a biopsy to confirm that diagnosis.
Even if the biopsy comes out negative, there has to be a reason the tissue of your daughter's small intestine is being destroyed.
If the biopsy is positive then there is no argument, of course, but do let me know if any confusion arises should the biopsy be negative.
Do understand that celiac is a genetic disease and being a vegan has absolutely nothing to do with its development. Personally I am pro-vegan, but that's beside the point.
If it critical that your daughter avoid all gluten plus get assistance in healing her gut. Typically general doctors don't excel at that.
Feel free to call me for a free health analysis and we can discuss specifics - 408-733-0400.
Your daughter can enjoy excellent health if the right things are done now. By the way, the rest of the family should be checked also - it is a genetic disease.
Dr Vikki
I have been having stomach issues. I went for a blood test and they performed a celiac disease panel. This is the results:
ReplyDeleteTransglutaminase IgG <15
Transglutaminase IgA 27.3
Gliadin IgG: <15
Gliadin IgA <15
My primary dr. said he thinks I have Celiac Disease (and so does my mother). He wants me to make an appt with a Gastrointerologist. Just by the numbers (after all my research) it looks like Celiac. Transglutaminase is elevated isn't that indicative of Celiac? I am just confused by the might.
Any thoughts?
I have been feeling lousy and so my dr did a blood test to check for Celiac since my mother has it. When he called me back he said I need to see a Gastrointerlogist because I probably have Celiac. He sent my my resuls and I am a little confused after doing some research.
ReplyDeleteThese are my results.
Transglutaminase IgG <15
Transglutaminase IgA 27.3
Gliadin IgG <15
Gliadin IgA <15
Using numbers only since you don't know me. Do I have Celiac? I am a little confused when my primary care dr says I may have Celiac.
Any opinions until I see the gastro dr would be great!
What are abnormal results? My tests. were tissue Transglutaminase igG
ReplyDelete0.15. IgA 0.50 is this celiac??
It depends on the lab. There is a normal range. Anything above that would be highly suspicious.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to give me more data I'd be happy to help with further questions.
Dr Vikki
Dear Patricia V,
ReplyDeleteYes, you are correct. An elevated tTG level IS indicative of celiac disease.
Too often, even positive tests are not acted upon aggressively by clinicians who aren't expert in the area of gluten.
Please consider calling us for a free health analysis. We are here to help! Call 408-733-0400.
Dr Vikki
This are my test results:
ReplyDeleteGliadin Ab (IGA) 49
units (<20)---[Is it very high? What would be the highest number?]
Gliadin Ab (IGG) 13
>or 20 Antibody detected
Endomysial Ab Scrn: Positive
Those were tests I had for celiac. Doctor told me to go on gluten free diet since tests are positive for celiac disease. But what does it mean that IGG is negative? And IGA 49 confirms celiac?
I didn't have a biopsy performed. I am 4 months on gluten free diet and I am not feeling better. :(
Thank you
@ Ada,
ReplyDeleteIt is the positive endomysial test that is causing your doctor to diagnose celiac disease.
The AGA tests, one of which is positive is indicative of gluten intolerance, but doesn't make a distinction between celiac and gluten sensitivity. But with the endomysial positive, that indicates celiac.
Understand that anything positive is positive.
Either you have celiac or you don't. There's no such thing as 'mild celiac' or 'a little celiac'. In other words, whether the number was 21, 31 or 81, it wouldn't matter - the point is that it's positive.
The reason you don't likely feel better is that the secondary effects associated with gluten are not being addressed for you.
That is our specialty and it's not difficult to address. If you'd like help please consider calling us for a free health analysis. Call 408-733-0400 - we are here to help.
Dr Vikki
I have a transglutaminase IgG of 34.7 which said 15 is average. The endomysial Iva is negative. Tirer is negative. Immounoglobulin a is 136. Primary said maybe is celiac. Gastronomic said both could be false positives need to do endoscopy. I have to go to specialist but why is level high and do u think this is celiac. Any other blood test that could help diagnose with endoscopy. Thank you
ReplyDeleteThe positive tTG is quite suspicious of celiac disease. I don't know what your symptoms are but a biopsy is a way to confirm.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, do understand that biopsies are not perfect and it is possible to have celiac disease with a negative biopsy.
If you'd like a free health analysis so that I can better understand your health status, you are welcome to do so. Call 408-761-3900.
It is very important that you find out conclusively if a gluten-free diet is something that you need to implement.
I'm happy to assist you.
My results are:
ReplyDeleteTransglutaminase Ab (Iga) <3
IGA SERUM 52 low
c-reactive is high
speckled 1:80
Feel awlful, weight gain, have high blood pressure,imflammation and pain.
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteWhen you're general IgA results are low, any test utilizing that immunoglobin will be false. Therefore we cannot tell whether you have a positive tTG or not. It's too bad that the lab did not also measure IgG. Most labs these days do that for this exact reason.
The high C-reactive protein shows inflammation, so it is important to figure out where that it coming from.
You can contact us for a free health analysis (408-733-0400) if you'd like.
Dr Vikki
ReplyDeleteMy mother has celiac disease and I been having stomach pain a day or two after eating wheat product. I was tested and the results are confusing;
IMMUNOGLOBULIN A 248 mg/dL [46-287]
Can you advise if this may be false negative? Why is the IgA so low?
It's not actually confusing, just potentially incomplete.
ReplyDeleteThe tTG is negative and the IgA is normal too. While one could say this is a negative celiac test, it really should include a blood test for anti-gliadin antibodies and deaminated giadin - 2 more blood tests used in a celiac panel.
It is unfortunate that we don't have one perfect test, but we don't. Another great test, if you're still consuming gluten is Cyrex Labs comprehensive profile for both celiac and gluten sensitivity.
You obviously feel poorly after eating gluten, now we just need to find out if you're gluten sensitive or celiac. A genetic test is another option.
Hopefully I'm not confusing you!
If you'd like a free health analysis where we could speak more personally, consider calling us at 408-733-0400.
Dr Vikki
Hello Dr. Vikki
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is gluten sensitive and was having general ill health and CNS problems ie. muscle ticks. Gluten free two month and lost 20lbs and said she did not know she could have so much energy. Muscle ticks are minute now. Anyways before going gluten free we did have the celiac test done. Gliadin AB: IgA was <3(ref 0-20), Gliandin AB: IgG was 5(ref0-20) and Tissue Transglutaminase was 3(ref 0-20). Now I get these numbers are below the ref range for celiac and I know due to a gluten free diet she is sensitive or intolerant. I am just trying to interpret her numbers. Her neurologist said the if she did not have gluten intolerance then she would not have antibodies. Is this true? Would a healthy person without gluten problems have 0 antibodies. Does the indication of any antibodies indicate gluten sensitivity? I am reading your wonderful book and just trying to understand all of this as I just had my testing done as well. I was gluten free before having the test done so may not be so accurate but read that as long as one is not gluten free more than 6 months they can still have blood test do to antibodies still being produced. Is that true? Just want to know how to interpret my tests when they come back. This is so complex. I recommend your book to everyone. Very easy to read on such as complex issue.
I recently had blood work done because my dr suspects I have celiac. Here are my blood work results:
IMMUNOGLOBULIN A 508 (Standard Range is 81-463 mg/dL)
My doctor said she thinks it's positive for celiac but suggested I follow up with a GI doctor.
I can see by IGA is above standard range, but what do the other numbers mean? They both seem to indicate that there is no antibody detected - does that mean it is positive for celiac?
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
I recently had blood work done because my dr suspects I have celiac. Here are my blood work results:
IMMUNOGLOBULIN A 508 (Standard Range is 81-463 mg/dL)
My doctor said she thinks it's positive for celiac but suggested I follow up with a GI doctor.
I can see by IGA is above standard range, but what do the other numbers mean? They both seem to indicate that there is no antibody detected - does that mean it is positive for celiac?
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
The tTG is definitely negative at 1, but depending on the lab used, I don't know if the AGA at 11 is considered to be positive. It would be for my lab but different labs have different reference ranges.
ReplyDeleteThe IgA is a bit high indicating some immune system stress, but unclear as to why at this point.
So, I need more data. Also, realize that these tests aren't perfect so a negative test could still mean a positive gluten intolerance.
I know that's a little frustrating, but we can figure it out. If you'd like assistance please consider calling us for a free health analysis - 408-733-0400.
my 4 yearold daughter was diagonised for celiac disease 1 year before.she was confirmed after a biopsy. Since then she eats gluten freefood.After 6 mnths her endomysium Abs (IgA)become has dropped down from >200 which was at the time of after an year her level is 13.47.i wud like to know y it has increased?
ReplyDeleteDear Yasmin,
ReplyDeleteEach lab has different reference ranges. Is the '13' above the reference range? In other words was 5 negative and is the 13 positive?
If the 13 is still below the reference range, I wouldn't be concerned. As long as the number is negative, your daughter is doing well.
If the 13 is positive, then I would be looking at contamination, hidden gluten and potentially cross-reactive food reactions.
Consider contacting us for a free health analysis if you would like some assistance figuring it out. Call 408-733-0400.
Dr Vikki
My Tissue Transglutamianse IgA serum result is 23.05, range is <18. does it mean i have celiac disease?
ReplyDeleteMy Tissue Transglutamianse IgA result is 23.05, range is <18. does it mean i have celiac disease?
ReplyDeleteIt is quite suspicious. What does your doctor say? Do you have symptoms of celiac disease? Can you get a genetic test? Does celiac disease run in your family?
ReplyDeleteAs you can see I have many questions. Please feel free to write back.
i would so much appreciate help with labs.pediatrician ran celiac panels and kids were under 19(=negative) for tTG igG and tTG IgA, so the lab did not perform the endomys igA. they tested under 19(=negative) for dgp IgG and igA, too.i am still worried because i have two dq8's, out of range occludin/zonulin IgM and lipopolysaccarides IgM. my transglutaminase-6 IgG is 2.29(should be below 1.5).can my kids still have transglutaminase-6 damage from other proteins that they need tested for?
ReplyDeleteI asked for gluten blood tests at a private lab on my own (without a doctor) because I'm living overseas right now. This was after reading symptoms online. Can someone help me interpret the results?
ReplyDeleteIgA 1,7
IgG 0,9
Anti-IgA 19,4
Anti-IgG 3,0
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteLabs have reference ranges - meaning a range that they consider normal. You'd need to include that information for me.
Was the IgA for tTG, endomysial, anti-gliadin? That seems to be missing as well.
You need to look carefully at the report that you received and include all the data.
Dr Vikki
thank you for your help.
ReplyDeleteYes it has references which I found difficult to understand. Here they are with my numbers there also:
IgA 1,7 antibodies to tissue transglutaminase
negative: 0,0-10,0 U/ml positive: => 10,0 U/ml
IgG 0,9 antibodies to tissue transglutaminase
negative: 0,0-10,0 U/ml positive: => 10,0 U/ml
Anti-gliadin IgA 19,4
negative: 0,0-12,0 U/ml positive: => 12,0 U/ml
Anti-Gliadin IgG 3,0
negative: 0,0-12,0 U/ml positive: => 12,0 U/ml
Apologies if you receive this 2x-hadn't logged on.
ReplyDeleteThank you for helping! Here is is again with the references:
1,7 IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase
Negative 0,0-10,0 U/ml Positive >/= 10,0- U/ml
0,9 IgG antibodies to tissue transglutaminase
Negative 0,0-10,0 U/ml Positive >/= 10,0- U/ml
19,4 Anti-gliadin IgA
Negative 0,0-12,0 U/ml Positive >/= 12,0- U/ml
3,0 Anti-gliadin IgG
Negative 0,0-12,0 U/ml Positive >/= 12,0- U/ml
Elisa (test name?) written under numbers
The positive result is the AGA IgA. This test being positive is consistent with gluten sensitivity, although it is possible to be positive in celiac disease. With the other results being negative the more likely disorder is gluten sensitivity but this would need to be corroborated with other information.
ReplyDeleteI cannot diagnose you over the internet, of course, but if you'd like some assistance, consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400.
We are here to help!
Dear Anonymous asking about your children. Yes, they could have tTG-6 possibly. Have you done genetic testing on the children.
ReplyDeleteThat might be a good place to go next.
If you need assistance, consider calling us for a free health analysis - 408-733-0400. We are here to help!
Hi - I think I'm dealing with the opposite problem of most people here. My lab results seem to say that, if anything, I only have a mild gluten allergy yet I have a doctor saying I can never eat wheat, gluten or dairy again for the rest of my life (the last shows in very low positive - just .06 over the Equivocal range into 'Out of Range' - and Equivocal ranges on a Cyrex lab).
ReplyDeleteI have LabCorp tests:
Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgA=4 units (1-19 Negative; 20-30 Weak Positive; >30 Moderate to Strong Positive)
Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgG=2 units (1-19 Negative; 20-30 Weak Positive; >30 Moderate to Strong Positive)
t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA = <2 U/ml (0-3 = Negative; 4-10 Weak Positive; >10 Positive)
t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG = <2 U/ml (0-5 = Negative; 6-9 Weak Positive; >9 Positive)
Endomysial Antibiody IgA Negative
Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum = 222 mg/dl (91-414 Limit range)
Is this doctor trying to hit me with a "Every problem is Gluten sensitivity or Celiacs!" hammer when that's not my problem? (I'm also fighting Lymes Disease.)
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI understand your confusion; let me explain. The Lab Corp results you cite are for celiac disease and those are negative.
The Cyrex test you received, based on the value you gave me, is stating positive for gluten sensitivity. I know Cyrex quite well and they feel that anything in the 'equivocal' range, let alone the 'positive' one is cause for serious consideration. In other words, even if you hadn't just barely crossed out of equivocal into out of range, your doctor would still likely have recommended you go gluten-free and I don't disagree.
Have you tried it? Do you feel better on a gluten-free diet? These too are valid questions.
It's hard to give you more information without a conversation. If you'd like a free health analysis, consider calling us at 408-733-0400.
I hope that helped!
Dr Vikki
Thanks, Dr. Vikki!
ReplyDeleteI've asked for Cyrex Array 3 to be done (that was never done) and I think that will clear things up for me. Your explanation helps as well. So, not Celiac but mild gluten crossover allergies given the following:
- Cow's Milk 1.11 (Noted as Equiv; - range=0.1-1.3)
- Casein 1.26 (range=0.1-1.2)
- Casomorphin listed as negative at 0.58 even though the range=0.2-1.6???? What the heck?? Why is this not listed as Equiv?)
- Milk Butyrophilin 1.15 (Noted as Equiv; range=0.1-1.3)
- Whey Protein 1.35 (range=0.1-1.3)
- Chocolate (milk) 1.01 (Noted as Equiv; range=0.1-1.4 - thank goodness I like dark chocolate which I was told is ok)
- Coffee 2.30 (range=0.2-1.2 - was told this is only for instant coffee but I rarely have more than a sip of good quality coffee a month so no big loss)
- Sesame 2.79 (range=0.1-1.3)
Oddly, while Sesame is my strongest response, I'm told I can not have any for 6 months and then I can try adding it back in. Dairy response numbers are so much lower and yet Sesame is going to be ok with me in 6 months vs. dairy is something I'm never again supposed to have?? That and the value vs. the range of Casomorph make no sense to me.
I've seen some Cyrex array 4 lab results online where 80% or more are listed as problems so I'm told I'm lucky. That being said, I did great on SCD which includes butter, hard cheeses, and homemade yogurt that's been fermented 30+ hours. I stopped living that way 100% of the time because it was a) expensive, b) inconvenient, and c) time consuming.
While I absolutely do better keeping dairy (and even wheat) in moderation, I certainly don't wreck myself when I have the occasional ice cream or grain product. In fact, when I am regularly working out, I don't seem to have any problems with such things at all. Further, I don't have a problem with these foods when I'm overseas (but, for grain products, that's more to do with an inability to use folic acid and being MTHFR C677T homozygous - another kettle of fish. Thyroid is mixed in there too as I hurt when I eat these things if I'm not on T3/T4 but, again, only in the United States - I don't have a thyroid issue while in 4 other countries I've been for work.
Hi, both my sons were told to go on gluten free diet after one of the four tests had come back pos. I don't know what test came back pos for my oldest, but I am going to get to the bottom of that soon. My other sons IgG was 56. What exactly does this mean? Everything else is normal range. I have been reading up and it scares me that he may not have celiac, but maybe a different autoimmune disease. I have him on a gf diet for 3 months now, and not sure what to do next to make sure this is all we need to do. Please help
ReplyDeleteHi, I just was told my sons IgG was what came back pos on his Celiac panel. His IgG was 56, and I'm not sure what exactly that means. I was told put him on a gf diet. I did more research online and am now wondering if it's possible with it being so high that he may have a different autoimmune disease. What are your thoughts?
ReplyDeleteHello Annie,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We get a lot of traffic and every once in a while an email gets missed, I apologize.
I would need more information in order to answer your question. IgG is a part of the immune system, not the name of the test. There would be more to it. Also a "56" doesn't mean much without the reference range.
I know as a parent how frustrating it can be to not fully understand or get answers as regards your children's health.
I would like to offer you a free health analysis (just call 408-733-0400) and then we can talk and I can better assist you and your children.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hello again Annie,
ReplyDeleteWell I no sooner post my last comment and another question appears from you that did clarify things quite a bit.
So it was a celiac test and "56" was quite high - got it. There are other criteria to use to determine if it's truly celiac and do know that a biopsy doesn't have to be one of them as it in quite invasive for a child.
As I mentioned earlier, I'd be happy to discuss it further with you over the phone and I can give you specific ideas of how best to proceed.
I cannot give medical advice to you over the internet but speaking generally, I can give you some ideas. The positive amongst these is the anti-gliadin antibody, IgA. While not conclusive, this test is often used as an indicator for gluten sensitivity.
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming you were eating gluten at the time of the test- correct?
The best next step I could suggest is to consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400. That way we could speak directly and I could get more information.
I wouldn't ignore these results. I would behoove you and your health to find a clinician who is an expert in this field if you choose not to contact us.
Good luck!
@Roseanne- Gluten tests aren't really accurate if you're perfectly off it much beyond 3 weeks after elimination.
ReplyDeleteAs regards your daughter, did the test her total IgA. I'm wondering if the total was low - that would skew her tests. Low IgA is quite common in those w/ gluten issues.
I'm glad you enjoy the book!
If you or your daughter needs some assistance, consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400. Then we can speak and create the best approach to optimize your and her health.
We are here to help!
I just received results from a celiac panel and am having a hard time interpreting the results based on the research I've done.
ReplyDeletegliadin antibody iga 4 (less than 20 is normal)
gliadin antibody igg 3 (less than 20 is normal)
ttg iga 5 (less than 20 is normal)
ttg igg 4 (less than 20 is normal)
According to this report everything is normal...but in some of my research it looks like Iga levels less than 7 indicate another problem. Am I misunderstanding my research?
Hello Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteWhat you are thinking of is that if the total IgA is low then tests measuring IgA such as the tTG and AGA can be falsely negative.
This is true. It doesn't appear that they tested your total IgA. At least you don't mention it.
So your tests could very well be negative, but without the total IgA number we can't know for sure.
Let me know if you need any assistance.
Hi please can you help decipher my blood test results.
ReplyDeleteTissue transglutaminase IgA level =1.8 kU/L (<5.0) and IgM = 0.76 g/L and IgA= 2.76 g /l and IgG =14.2 g /L.
I was told to go on gluten free diet the month before.
Doctor said my previous Tissue Transglutaminase IgA level was 17.9 kU/L. So its come down greatly to 1.8. I'm still confused as she fully explain my results. Please can you help? Thanks.
Hello I just received my blood results
ReplyDeleteTissue Transglutiminase, 0.4
Tissue Transglutimnase, IgG <0.6
Gldn Antibody,IgA(Deamid) 1.0
Gldn Antibody,IgG(Deamid) <0.4
Tissue Transglutiminase, IgA <7 IU/mL 0.4
ReplyDeleteTissue Transglutimnase, IgG <7 IU/mL <0.6
Gldn Antibody,IgA(Deamid) <7 IU/mL 1.0
Gldn Antibody,IgG(Deamid) <7 IU/mL <0.4
Positive or negative??
Tissue Transglutiminase, IgA <7 IU/mL 0.4
ReplyDeleteTissue Transglutimnase, IgG <7 IU/mL <0.6
Gldn Antibody,IgA(Deamid) <7 IU/mL 1.0
Gldn Antibody,IgG(Deamid) <7 IU/mL <0.4
@ Anonymous who recently posted. All the values you wrote down are negative.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't necessarily mean you don't have a problem w/ gluten as there are more comprehensive tests, but the ones you cite are negative.
If you're having health difficulties and want to get to the root cause of what's happening, consider contacting us for a free health analysis (call 408-733-0400). We are here to help and treat patients from across the country and internationally.
@Anonymous whose doctor stated the tTG level for IgA has come down:
ReplyDeleteThe IgG level is still elevated based on the values you wrote down.
I would be happy to help. My best suggestion is to call us for a free health analysis (call 408-733-0400) so that we can discuss how you're feeling and what you've done thus far.
We are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally. We are here to help!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi. My 3 year old son was just tested for Celiac after 1 mo of diarrhea. His sister has confirmed celiac disease. Two years ago, his screening was totally negative. These are the results we just received:
ReplyDeleteQuant Serum IgA: 30 (44-189)
Gliadin IgA Ab: 6 (no reference)
Gliadin IgG Ab: 21 (High)
Transglutaminase IgA: <2 (0-3)
Transglutaminase IgG: 6 (0-5)
Endomysial Ab IgA: Negative
Please help! What does this mean?
My 3 year old son was just tested. His older sister has confirmed Celiac. Two years ago, his test was negative. This is now his panel:
ReplyDeleteTotal Serum IgA: 30 (44-189)
Gliadin IgA AB: 6 (No reference)
Gliadin IgG AB: 21 (High)
Transglutaminase IgA AB <2 (0-3)
Translutaminase IgG AB 6 (0-5)
Endomysial AB IgA Negative
Help! What does this mean??
Hello Amy,
ReplyDeleteI understand your confusion. I very much want to help you and your son.
Please consider contacting me at the clinic for a free health analysis - it's no charge and then we can speak. It's a better format than this one to ensure I answer all your questions.
Just call 408-733-0400.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Dr Petersen
Here are my test results
ReplyDeleteCoeliac serology
Deaminated Gliadin Iga 1 U/mL (<15)
Deaminated Gliadin IgG <1 U/mL (<15)
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA <1 (<15)
Tissue Transglutaminase IgG <1 (<15)
Told its a normal result fir a person who eats wheat.
I also have done a simtomax test which indicated positve for coeliac disease and IgA deficient, I am confused. Any comments appreciated thanks
So I am trying to understand what some tests mean. If there are gliadin antibodies present but not necessarily at the level to be classified as Celiac disease, or if there are transglutaminase antibodies present even if they are not over the levels considered to be celiac, would that mean that there is gluten sensitivity?
ReplyDeleteTrying to understand gluten sensitivity. Do you all people have antibodies towards gluten? If labs indicate that there are antibodies present but not at "celiac levels", then would this be classified as gluten sensitivity?
ReplyDeleteTests have ranges. There is a normal range and above that level a patient is considered "positive" for a certain disease or condition. So if a celiac panel is negative, in the normal range, the patient is told they don't have celiac disease. Similarly if a patient is tested for anti-gliadin antibodies to see if they may have gluten sensitivity, there too is a range of normal and abnormal that would be evaluated.
And, now that I've made it sound so simple, I'd be remiss to not mention that tests aren't perfect and there are ways to "read between the lines" and issues to consider when evaluating labs.
If you are not feeling well and need assistance, consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400.
We are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally.
We are here to help!
I look forward to hearing from you!
@ Anonymous w/ test results.
ReplyDeleteA deficient IgA will skew the results of tests that use it as a yardstick, which many coeliac tests do.
I'm not familiar with the symtomax test, but I do often find deficient IgA in those patients with coeliac or gluten sensitivity, so that part does ring true.
I'd need a bit more information to assist you. Consider contacting us for a free health analysis - call 408-733-0400.
We are a destination clinic and treat patients from across the country and internationally.
We are here to help!
I look forward to hearing from you!
Firstly thank you for all your time replying. It's very helpful to be able to read.
ReplyDeleteMy question is more general in nature than related to specific numbers. I am a little confused by the newer dgp igg results. If they are high but all other results are within normal range is it still a strong indicator of celiac only or could it also indicate a gluten intolerance.
I can't seem to find confirmation that positive dgp igg with no other positive results is as much a sign of celiacs on it's own as with other positive bloodwork. Mostly it's mentioned that both dgp igg and iga is positive it's almost surely celiacs, but not what igg by itself indicates. This is with symptoms btw.
My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 5 years ago and has since had a celiac panel done 3 times. all his test results have come back within the ranges for normal. However, we have found that other members of our family who also did not have abnormal test results feel better when gluten free. My question is about increasing results over time, even if still below range, would this show increasing sensitivity or damage and thus the likelyhood to develop positive test results in the future.
ReplyDeleteThe concerning numbers are Deamidated Gliadin Abs, IgA the range is under 20 for negative. His numbers were 7 in 2010, 8 in 2011, and 10 in 2014.
Also, he has had more uncontrolled sugars over these years which we thought were due to site absorption issues. Wondering whether the absorption problems and out of control blood sugars could be due to gluten sensitivity.
Endomysial Antibody IgA Negative N
ReplyDeletet-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA <2 N
Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum 395 mg/dL N
This is my celiac panel results. I'm confused because there is wording saying endomysial has been detected but it's written like this. what does this mean for me?
great info on your site, had a question:
ReplyDeleteHad a endoscopy and biopsie showing:
"moderate chronic inflamation, fragments of small intestinal mucosa incresed number of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). focal evidence of blunting of villi. suggestive of celiac disease" which is effective MARSH 3.
but bloodwork done was
Tissue transglutaminase IGA <2 (negative)
Tissue transglutaminase IGG 6 A reference range was 6-9 WEAK POSITVE
Endomysial IGA negative
Doc said that this indicates 'No Celiac' because both need to 'react'. This doesnt make sense to me, wouldnt any antibodies, ie the IGG being positive (even weak positive) with biopsy evidence be enough to confirm the Celiac diagnosis.
I realize the next step is to get a total serum IGA to rule out the IGA deficiency potential here (as well as the more in depth cyrex array 3 or similar testing) and a gluten free challenge followed by re-biospy in 6mo.
but i guess my guestion is wouldnt IGG of 6 coupled with visual evidence indicate immune response commensurate with a Celiac diagnosis.
Can you help? My six year old son has severe chronic constipation. We tried fiber, water, gets plenty of exercise etc. We were told his lab results were normal but I just received them in the mail and they came back at
ReplyDeleteIgA 31(L) (Range 33-200)
tTG Ab, IGA, S <1.2 (no range given)
Does this exclude a gluten sensitivity? He had extensive surgery as a newborn, would this alter his results? There is a history of GI problems on his fathers side (IBS, Chrones)
Hello. My doctor said my numbers are off the chart and I wanted to confirm. Also see why my 1st number is negative -
ReplyDelete1. Endomysial Antibody IgA Level is <1.5 - just says negative
2. Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Level is 134 - says anything over 30 is positive
3. Gliadin IgG Antibody Level is 41 - says anything over 30 is positive
4. Gliadin IgA Antibody Level is 116 - says anything over 30 is positive
5. Immunoglobulin A is 1310 - says range is 40 - 350 mg/dl
6. Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody is 11.4 - says anything under 20 is negative
7. Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody level is 51 (Mod-Stron Positive) - says anything greater than 30 is positive.
Also just to tell you. I am 33. I have Been diagnosed with Celiac Disease (already had a biopsy as well). I also have Anemia and Cirossis of the liver. They also think possible auto-immune hepatitis. Although after my biopsy they said the last one was not consistent with the biopsy. Thank u. Matt M.
I have had iron deficiency anemia (Hgb 6.9) for several months. I was sent to GI doctor and had an endoscopy and colonoscopy. Colon was normal but duodenal biopsy showed "partial villous atrophy with non-specific malabsorptive pattern". My Celiac Panel was negative X2 (a year apart) but this test:
ReplyDeleteAllergen Gluten IgG was 11.0 mcg/ml ref = <2
Gliadin IGG - 5 units
Gliadin IGA - 6 units
Immunoglobulin A 175 mg/dl
Tissue Transglutaminase NO antibody detected
So, does this sound consistent with needing a GF diet? My primary care says yes but my GI won't commit. I do have migraines from time to time and occasional bloating and constipation but I'm not sure it is all related.
ReplyDeleteI have been having upper chest pains and a chronic mild pressing pain in my esophagus for over a year now. I had an endoscopy done last year which showed the following result:
Biopsy result:
1. Mild Chronic non-specific grastritis. Few H-Pylori like organisms. No evidence of metaplasia or malignancy seen.
2. Fragments of small bowel mucosa with an intact villo-glandular architecture. No definite giardia seen.
I was put on Lansoprazole and Itropride HCL which somewhat helped reduce upper chest and esophagus acidity symtoms.
Over 2 months ago, the symptoms got aggravated after which the gastroenterologist asked me to the TTG IGA and IGE test and the following results came out:
Anti-Transglutaminase Iga 13.32 U/ml
Anti-Transglutaminase IGa 3.76 U/ml
Reference range:
Negative < 12 u/ml
Equivocal between 12 to 18 u/ml
Positive > 18 m/ul
After looking at my results, the doctor suspects I have Celiac Disease and in order to reconfirm, i underwent endoscopy yesterday and the biopsy have been taken and I will get the result in a weak to confirm whether I have Celiac Disease or not.
The endoscopy procedure observations were as follows:
1. Esophagus: Z line at 40 cm. Gaping lower esophageal sphincter
2. Stomach: Mild pangastritis erythema
Duedenum: Normal D1. Occassional superficial fissuring of duodenal folds.
My primary concern is the mild presing pain I feel in my esophagus most of the time which is accompanied by upper chest pain.
Sorry for the lengthy message but can you please advise what the above diagnosis mean?
ReplyDeleteLooks like I have Celiac based on the following:
IGA,SERUM 158 Normal (81-463 range)
(TTG) AB, IGG 14 HIGH (Normal would be <6)
Does the last line mean I definitely have Celiac? If yes, how high is this value?
Also, can (TTG) AB IGG be high and Gliadin Deamidated AB, IGG normal in Celiac cases?
I would greatly appreciate a quick opinion.
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYes, the tTG is high and that is an indicator of celiac disease. I don't know your symptoms nor history and of course it's not legal to diagnose over the internet, but such a finding does need to be followed up to determine the cause. Other than celiac disease, such a finding is common in patients who have other autoimmune conditions, such as chronic liver disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Crohn’s Disease or thyroiditis.
If you'd like assistance in determining what to do next to improve your health, consider contacting us for a FREE consultation - we're here to help!
Dr Petersen
@anonymous with 3 year old son: First let me apologize for the delay in writing back to you. For some reason your comment slipped through the list given to me and I only just saw it.
ReplyDeleteThere are two positive values: The IgG for gliadin Ab and the IgG for tTG. The positive tTG is a celiac market, the gliadin Ab can be seen positive in celiac as well as non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
I cannot diagnose over the internet but I am more than happy to discuss this with you in person over the phone where I can get some more information regarding your son's health. Consider contacting us for a FREE consultation _ call 408-733-0400.
If that is not of interest I would like to say that I feel it is important to not ignore these values and please do find a clinician who can move you forward to improving your son's health and avoiding the many secondary health effects gluten can create.
Dr Petersen
@Omar Inam: I'm sorry for the delay in getting back with you. I hope you are doing better. If you still need assistance consider contacting us for a FREE consultation - call 408-733-0400.
ReplyDeleteHopefully you've found a clinician who is getting to the root cause of the inflammation in your esophagus and small intestine. If not, please feel free to contact us as mentioned above.
I look forward to hearing from you!
@Jenn: sorry for the delay in getting back with you. The celiac test is negative but the gluten sensitivity markers are showing positive. These results would be consistent with what your one doctor recommends: a gluten-free diet.
ReplyDeleteAlso ensure your doctor is familiar with the steps to take to heal the small intestine and normalize the immune system after you have embarked on a gluten-free diet. There is more to do than only remove gluten. The good news is that it's a natural program.
If you need assistance consider contacting us for a FREE consultation - call 408-733-0400. We're here to help!
@Matt: Hello and sorry for the delay in answering this. The results you shared are not only consistent with celiac but also, it appears, additional autoimmune diseases. I don't know where you live but I would like to assist you in ensuring you have a clinician who can work with you properly to really heal what is occurring, most especially the GI tract, liver and immune system.
ReplyDeleteConsider contacting us for a FREE consultation and we can discuss this further. Call 408-733-0400.
@ anonymous w/ 6 year old son: The IgA being low is indicative of an immune system that is being overwhelmed by something. What needs to be determined. I didn't understand what you wrote as the value of the tTG test: you wrote: "tTG Ab, IGA, S <1.2 (no range given" Was the "S" a "5"??
ReplyDeleteI would be happy to assist and the good news is that children are rather easy to fix, despite his rough early start with surgery.
Consider contacting us for a FREE consultation and we can discuss it further. Call 408-733-0400.
@Krystal23: sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Based on what you wrote here, those values are all negative. I don't know anything about your health history nor how you feel but the panel you share is specifically for celiac, it doesn't rule out non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
ReplyDeleteIf you'd like to discuss it further and see if we can assist, consider contacting us for a FREE consultation - call 408-733-0400. We're here to help!
@Ken097981: sorry for the delay in getting back w/ you. I agree that "any" positive immune reaction should be taken as highly suspicious and along with the biopsy results,it might be prudent to remove gluten from your diet. Yes, the array 3 from Cyrex could shed some more light, but so could a genetic test.
ReplyDeleteBig question: Have you now removed gluten from your diet?
I'm not sure what your symptoms are, and that would help to know also. I'd be happy to help and ensure you're on the right path the regain your health. Consider contacting us for a FREE consultation - call 408-733-0400. We're here to help!
@the White family:One option would be to do a genetic test. If your son has one or two of the genes necessary to create celiac disease, then you'd know for sure. There is a relatively inexpensive on-line test: it simply requires swabbing the inside of the mouth.
ReplyDeleteBeyond that, I'd be happy to talk with you about some other steps you could take beyond just waiting and testing, which could result in damage that could have been avoided. Consider contacting us for a FREE consultation: 408-733-0400. We are here to help!
Please help. been suffering since 2000. blood test done in 2008 results:
ReplyDeleteAGA IGA positive 12.6 reference < 12.0 U/ML
AGA IGG positive 21.6 reference < 12.0 U/ML
TTG (endomysial) negative 1.3 reference < 10.0 U/ML
Please help. been suffering since 2000. blood test done in 2008 results:
ReplyDeleteAGA IGA positive 12.6 reference < 12.0 U/ML
AGA IGG positive 21.6 reference < 12.0 U/ML
TTG (endomysial) negative 1.3 reference < 10.0 U/ML
ReplyDeleteI would be delighted to help you. Please give my office a call at 408-733-0400 and we can set up a free phone consultation. You do have a positive test result so we can discuss that too along with getting to know exactly what symptoms you are suffering from.
Dr Vikki Petersen
My symptoms are gastro (diarhea, bloating like i'm 7 months pregnant) since this past fall it's been joint pain, brain fog, dizzy, forgetfull, irritable, easily annoyed, extreme fatigue even when I have a good night's sleep, constant sinus pain, trouble losing weight despite and balanced whole food diet and exercise itchy blisters filled with clear liquid on my hands (sine 1998) but only appear in August/september.
ReplyDeleteI also had a biopsy done in 2008. If I read my lab reports correctly, there were two sample taken and there was no damage so I was diagnosed with IBS and told to destress (even though I wasn't stressed) and do yoga.
Please help. I'm tired of suffering.
My results look different then many examples I see online. Except for the IGA total? I have several health issues and have been working with my doctor and currently have been referred to a gastroenterologist. I have chronic migraines. I have skin hives. I have thyroid disease and had to have a thyroidectomy. So I take levinthroxine and am vitamin D deficient. My big health issue that I'm seeing the specialist for is i get stomach/ abdominal spasms. Fallowed by my quickly having to find a restroom. Sometime the pain from spasms last minutes and sometimes hours. I've recently been expiring a new symptom that I need to call my doctor about because my arms hands and even part of my face have gone numb. Not painful just weird feeling and tingly. My doctor has mentioned auto immune issues as a possible concern since my brother is diagnosed with MS. I did a 3 month diet months back before this testing to see if I was gluten sensitive or dairy sensitive. I still do my best to avoid dairy but I started eating gluten again few months back. I know during my diet change that I didn't 100% not have gluten but for a period of 4 weeks think i didn't have it and I'd swear my symptoms got worse with the diet change.
ReplyDeleteComponent Results
Component Your Value Standard Range
Transglut IgA autab 0.9 u/mL 0.0 - 3.9 u/mL
Negative: 0-3.9 u/mL
Weak Positive: 4.0-10.0 u/mL
Positive: >10.0 u/mL
Transglut IgG autab 2.5 u/mL 0.0 - 5.9 u/mL
Negative: 0-5.9 u/mL
Weak Positive: 6.0-9.0 u/mL
Positive: >9.0 u/mL
Antigliadin Abs, IgA 4.2 units 0.0 - 19.9 units
Negative: 0.0-19.9 units
Weak Positive: 20.0-30.0 units
Moderate to Strong Positive: >30.0 units
Antigliadin IgG 2.7 units 0.0 - 19.9 units
Negative: 0.0-19.9 units
Weak Positive: 20.0-30.0 units
Moderate to Strong Positive: >30.0 units
IgA 192.0 mg/dL 68.0 - 378.0 mg/dL
General Information
Thank you for any help reading this.
Hi Dr Vikki -
ReplyDeleteLike many others, I'm hoping you can help me understand my lab results. I read it as negative for Celiac, however, my main complaint is the itchy blistery skin rash that my doc thought might be DH (I have not had a biopsy done). How likely is it to have the results I have (below) and still have DH? What would be your recommended course of action? Thanks!
Immunoglobulin A
Standard Range: 91-414 mg/dL
Your value: 190
Endomysial IGA AB Titer
Standard Range: Negative
Your Value: Negative
Tissue Transglutaminase AB IGA
Standard Range: 0-3 U/mL (Negative 0 – 3; Weak Positive 4 – 10; Positive >10)
Your value: <2
Dear doctor, could you please give a comment on following results:
ReplyDeleteGliadin IgG/IgA (DGP) 14 for the normal scale from 0 to 6.90
Immunoglobulin A 17.40 for the normal scale From 21 to 120
That was a result for the blood test for my year and a half daughter. I'm pretty worried for her
Looking for some advice. Just a little background, I developed Psoriasis around age 15, diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis at 30, and I'm now 40 with overwhelming fatigue, severe muscle cramps, and GI problems. My blood work is as follows:
ReplyDeleteIGA. 333 (68-378)
Endomysial ABS IGA. <1:10
tTg IGA <1.2 (<4 neg)
tTg IGG 3.8 (<6 neg)
Gliadin deamd AB IGG. <10 (20 neg)
Vit D 25 HYD TOT 16.7 ( 30-100)
RBC 4.13 (4.20-5.40)
Hg. 12.2 (12.0-16.0)
Hct 35.7 (37.0--47.0)
Total IGG 1374 (700-1600)
Total IGM 224 (40-230)
Total IGE 43.8 (5.8-216)
Any input would help!
I had the celiac test, don't understand at all. Antigliadin igg 20 the iga is 20, antiendomysial iga negative, tissue transglutaminase iga 4.0, immunoglobulin is383 mg\dl
ReplyDeleteI recently got some lab results back, haven't been able to go to the doctors office yet. I'm not sure if i might have CD or not.
tTg IgA: 72.1
tTg IgG: 11.2
EMA IgA: Negative 1:80
EMA IgG Negative 1:40
The EMA results read negative, but I've been investigating online and it says that values such as 1:80 or 1:40 are indeed positive.
Would appreciate some feedback!
Hi. My son who is almost 4 has had tummy troubles most of his life. He had an endoscopy and colonoscopy last year that showed inflammation in the large colon, small intestine appeared fine after being on a gluten diet for 6 weeks. IBD is suspected. He is very small height/weight.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused by his blood work in relation to celiac:
- IgG 4.2
- IgA 0.64
- IgM 1.31
- Transglut IGA 0.9
Can you help me understand this blog work?
@Rebecca BArnett - Hello. I'm happy to help and need to decide the best approach to assist your son. The test results you sent aren't quite complete. There was likely more data, including reference ranges on the lab test.
ReplyDeleteWhen IgG is measured it's typically associated with some other measurement. As you noted on the last value, the IGA was for transglutaminase. It is possible that they only measured total igG, A and M but that's not typical. The tTG value appears negative but I need reference ranges to be sure.
Here's what I suggest:
Consider contacting me at my office (408-733-0400) or via email: so we can speak and best figure out how to help your son.
Dr Petersen
My daughter is now 10. She has a five year history of repeated orthopedic issues - broken foot, broken toe, broken elbow, and chronic Achilles tendonitis in both legs. Recently did a gluten sensitivity test. Results were interpreted as negative:
ReplyDeleteTotal IgA 72 (52-290 mg/dL)
tTG/igA 1.3 (less than 4.0)
DGP 1 (less than 20)
AGA IgA 1 (less than 20)
AGA igG 4 (less than 20)
We went gluten free before getting the test results back and she hadn't complained about Achilles pain one time in three weeks. However, after eating mostly dairy-free also, and suddenly eating a bunch of cheese at dinner the other night, her tendonitis flared up again. Test results also show negative for dairy allergy. Help!
@Christine Pett:
ReplyDeleteHello. I understand what is occurring and I believe we can help. You sent an email to my office and I've responded offering you a free phone consultation so I can get some more data.
If you see this first please call us at 408-733-0400.
We look forward to assisting!
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to check for celiac disease or gluten sensitivity since I have had many symptoms recently and in the past which I've read can be related to having these.
So I consulted my doctor who ordered some tests and got these results:
Gliadin (Deamidated) Ab, IgG 4 (in range) Reference range <20U
Gliadin (Deamidated) Ab, IgA 33H (out of range) Reference range <20U
Reference range for Gliadin (Deamidated) Ab, IgG, IgA:
Antibody Not Detected <20U
Antibody Detected > or = 20 Units
Endomysial Ab IgA Negative
Reticulin IgA Screen Negative
To a non-medical person like me, the only result to be concerned with is the high IgA level of Antibody detected.
My doctor didn't explain too much about the results. Just kept saying the results were "inconclusive" but I should start cutting out gluten from my diet if I haven't already. I think he meant (I know I should have double-checked with him, but other test results took over consultation time) I do not have celiac disease but some kind of high sensitivity to gluten. But what is the difference?
Can someone have high sensitivity to gluten products and experience negative symptoms damaging to mental and physical health?
@Anonymous with recent lab test posted 5/10/16
ReplyDeleteThe positive test, Deamidated Gliadin Ab, IgA, with a value of 33, is considered a very sensitive test for celiac disease. As you can see it is out of range, meaning positive.
The fact that other tests are not positive does not negate the presence of a positive value.
The factors required to make a celiac diagnosis are 4 out of 5 of the following factors being present:
1. you have symptoms consistent with celiac disease. This includes a wide range of symptoms and I assume you fall into this category based on your doctor's willingness to perform the tests.
2. you feel better on a gluten-free diet. You may or may not yet know the answer to this question if you haven't begun such a dietary change.
3. You have a positive blood test - this you do have based on what you shared.
4. You have the genes for the disease. This is an easy swab of the inside of the mouth.
5. You have a positive intestinal biopsy. This is an invasive and expensive test and one you don't absolutely need to get if you can get the genetic test described above in #4.
The fact that your doctor was not more clear in laying this out for you concerns me. Clearly there is a health issue here that must be addressed.
The 5 criteria I describe above is accepted world-wide by celiac disease experts - it is not my opinion.
I would be happy to assist you if you need it and always feel free to contact us for a complimentary phone consultation (408-733-0400). We are here to help and as a destination clinic we see patients from across the country and internationally!
ReplyDeleteI got blood work done becaus of unspecific digestion issues .( colonoscopy and stomach check negative )
AT Endomysal IgA,IgG, : 0
( <2.5 Negative , > 40.0 Positive, 2.5-40 Unclear)
AT Anti-gliadin IgG : 3.25 (normal <25)
AT Anti-gliadin IgA : 27.63 (normal <25)
My doctor did say I have celiac disease ... So I did eat 2 years completely gluten free . But I'm not sure anything changed . I'm as well hypochondriac so it's hard for me to determine symptoms .. I can create them :(...
Pease what do u thing ?
Warm regards
My 5 yo had a gi/respiratory bug ( which my daughter also had soon after based on symptoms ) and I'm unsure if this may have affected his following lab values in some way also.. Well he began to complain of stomach pains during this incidence but also few weeks after - after about a month of pain on and off we got regular CMP/CBC and celiac profile labs done via his pedi.. Below are are his results. Please share your thoughts.
ReplyDeletePlatelets: 492(H) - Normal range 150-450
Neuts: 55.90 (H) - Normal range 27-55
PLT EST: Increased - Normal is normal
Co2: 23 - Normal 24-31
Alk Phos: 178 - Normal 40-150
Values from Celiac Disease Comprehensive by LabCorp are as follows:
Deamidated Gliadin Ab, IgA: 19 - Normal 0 - 19
Deamidated Gliadin Ab, IgG: 31 - Normal 0 - 19
tTG Ab, IgA: 28 - Normal 0 - 3
tTG Ab, IgG: 8 - Normal 0 - 5
Endomysial Ab, IgA: Neg - Normal negative
Serum IgA: 163 - Normal 52 - 221
@sunshynne - Thank you for writing. I cannot legally make a diagnosis for a patient I have not examined, but I can speak generally about the test results.
ReplyDeleteAs you've probably surmised, the celiac tests (deamidated gliadin and tTG) are positive. Based on the established criteria for diagnosing celiac disease, if 4 of the following 5 criteria are positive, that is adequate to make a diagnosis.
1. symptoms consistent with the disease - this could be your son's stomach pain but you know his symptoms.
2. positive genetic test - this is easy to get and not invasive. If your doctor won't perform it, consider EnteroLab online - they will send a test kit to you.
3. positive lab test - this is done
4. symptoms improve once gluten has been eliminated
5. positive intestinal biopsy - this is an invasive test that is not mandatory if the other 4 criteria are positive.
It is not unusual for an infection to initiate celiac symptoms.
Please let me know if this is of assistance and what else I can do for you. It's important that everything possible is done to heal you son's intestine and boost his immune system even above eliminating gluten.
If you'd like a free phone consultation consider calling us at 408-733-0400. We are here to help!
Hi Dr Vikki -
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping you can help me understand my lab results. I am unable to understand my results below, would you be able to help me?
Celiac Disease Testing
Deamidated Gliadin peptide Ab IgG = <^0.5 (Units U/mL)
“Reference” is <12.00
----Note on Test: IgG antibody to deamidated gliadin has approximately 85% sensitivity and 95% specificity for celiac disease. Deamidated gliadin IgG has particular utility in the detection of celiac disease in children younger than 2 years old and
those with IgA deficiency. Tested by a multiplex flow immunoassay (BioPlex) method.
Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgA = <^0.5 (Units U/mL)
“Reference” is <12.00
-----Note on Test: IgA antibody to tissue transglutaminase has approximately 95% sensitivity and specificity for celiac disease. False negative results may occur with a gluten-restricted diet or IgA deficiency. The BioPlex method includes an internal control to confirm IgA is sufficent, thus avoiding false negatives due to IgA deficiency. Tested by a multiplex flow immunoassay (BioPlex) method
Thank you so much!
Hi Dr Vikki -
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping you can help me understand my lab results. I am unable to understand my results below, would you be able to help me?
Celiac Disease Testing
Deamidated Gliadin peptide Ab IgG = <^0.5 (Units U/mL)
“Reference” is <12.00
----Note on Test: IgG antibody to deamidated gliadin has approximately 85% sensitivity and 95% specificity for celiac disease. Deamidated gliadin IgG has particular utility in the detection of celiac disease in children younger than 2 years old and
those with IgA deficiency. Tested by a multiplex flow immunoassay (BioPlex) method.
Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgA = <^0.5 (Units U/mL)
“Reference” is <12.00
-----Note on Test: IgA antibody to tissue transglutaminase has approximately 95% sensitivity and specificity for celiac disease. False negative results may occur with a gluten-restricted diet or IgA deficiency. The BioPlex method includes an internal control to confirm IgA is sufficent, thus avoiding false negatives due to IgA deficiency. Tested by a multiplex flow immunoassay (BioPlex) method
Thank you so much!
Hi Dr Vikki -
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping you can help me understand my lab results. I am unable to understand my results below, would you be able to help me?
Celiac Disease Testing
Deamidated Gliadin peptide Ab IgG = <^0.5 (Units U/mL)
“Reference” is <12.00
----Note on Test: IgG antibody to deamidated gliadin has approximately 85% sensitivity and 95% specificity for celiac disease. Deamidated gliadin IgG has particular utility in the detection of celiac disease in children younger than 2 years old and
those with IgA deficiency. Tested by a multiplex flow immunoassay (BioPlex) method.
Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgA = <^0.5 (Units U/mL)
“Reference” is <12.00
-----Note on Test: IgA antibody to tissue transglutaminase has approximately 95% sensitivity and specificity for celiac disease. False negative results may occur with a gluten-restricted diet or IgA deficiency. The BioPlex method includes an internal control to confirm IgA is sufficent, thus avoiding false negatives due to IgA deficiency. Tested by a multiplex flow immunoassay (BioPlex) method
Thank you so much!
Hi had some blood tests taken 5 months earlier.
ReplyDeleteanti ttg iga was 42(20 and above is positive)
total iga normal
anti Gliadin igA 55(20 is positive)
I went GF and retook the test this month.
Anti Ttg igA went down to 17 but anti gliadin igA went up to 70.
Any explanation?
I have been taking some digestive enzyme tolerase g when i am out
eating with the hope of preventing cross contamination. Does it help actually?
ReplyDeleteI have a couple questions. i am wondering as I am partially IgA deficient, is a Gliadin (Deamidated) Antibody Test enough to rule out Celiac Disease? Also, i was gluten-free for year prior to the test. How long do i need to reintroduce gluten in order to have an accurate test?
ReplyDeleteHello! The two values you mention are both negative. That doesn't necessarily mean you don't have celiac disease but "classic" celiac disease in an advanced state, meaning it tends to destroy the villi or lining of the small intestine, could be said to be ruled out from those results.
Now I'd like to find out a lot more about you such that I can give you the best advice to optimize your health.
In other words, I'd like to know some things such as:
What are your symptoms?
Do you have celiac in your family?
Why were you tested?
And more1
I'd like to ensure you get the help you need to optimize your health. I'm not saying you DO have celiac disease, it's just there are a few questions I need answers to in order to rule it out along with gluten sensitivity. And if it's not either of those conditions it IS something, which is why you have whatever symptoms are bothering you.
Please consider contacting us for a free phone consultation where I can get the best idea of how to help you. Call 408-733-0400 if you're interested.
Dr Vikki Petersen
@Martin Bergmann
ReplyDeleteThank you for your question. Per the information you provided the anti-gliadin Ab was the only positive test. While that can be positive in celiacs, the classic celiac test, deamidated gliadin and tTG weren't performed, but the endomysial, also a valid test, was negative.
I'm not sure why your doctor stated you had celiac so definitively from that test but since the problem is typically under-diagnosis, I'm assuming he or she had more data with which to make the decision.
That being said, you eliminated gluten and didn't feel much better. Unfortunately that is not unusual. In fact it's quite common and speaks to something we call the secondary effects of gluten.
I would like to assist you if you want the help. There is a reason behind why you're not feeling better and that's something we are good at solving. Consider contacting us for a free phone consultation - call 408-733-0400.
All the best,
Dr Petersen
Hi Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI had some blood tests taken 5 months earlier.
>anti ttg iga was 42(20 and above is positive)
>total iga normal
>anti Gliadin igA 55(20 is positive)
I went GF and retook the test this month.
Anti Ttg igA went down to 17 but anti gliadin igA went up to 70.
Any explanation?
ReplyDeleteI am curious what your doctor said to interpret your son's labs.
Based on the values alone, it is highly suspicious for celiac disease.
Have you removed gluten from your son's diet?
If you daughter is asymptomatic, at least consider getting a genetic test for her. it's an easy swab of the mouth and you can see if she carries the genes for celiac.
If you are getting conflicting advice, would like to speak about the specifics of how your son is feeling, or just want to validate you are doing everything correctly, please consider contacting us for a free phone consultation - 408-733-0400.
We are here to help!
All the best,
Dr Petersen
@anonymous E.S. -
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing. If you are IgA deficient it would be good to find out why. Perhaps you already know, but if not we can assist.
Knowing you are deficient it's important to perform the IgG versions of all the celiac tests as the IgA versions will be inaccurate, as you know.
Here's the big thing for me. If you've been off gluten for a year I would NEVER recommend its reintroduction. I would only do so for an individual who had little to no risk factors for the disease plus, upon eliminating gluten, saw zero change in their health.
As you can see, I'd like to have some more information from you in order to give you the best advice. But please consider carefully before reintroducing gluten. It can be very dangerous from the perspective of developing an autoimmune disease or worse.
If you'd like to speak, consider contacting us for a free phone consultation - call 408-733-0400. We're here to help!
I look forward to speaking with you.
Dr Vikki Petersen
Hi Dr Viki,
ReplyDeleteCan you help me with this?
I had some blood tests taken 5 months earlier.
Anti ttg Iga was 42(20 and above is positive for my lab)
Total Iga normal
Anti Gliadin IgA 55(20 and above is positive)
I didnt go for any biopsy to confirm celiac diagnosis.
So I went GF and retook the test this month.
Anti Ttg IgA went down to 17 but Anti Gliadin IgA went up to 70.
Any explanation?
I have been taking some digestive enzyme tolerase g when i am out
eating with the hope of preventing cross contamination. Does it help actually?
ReplyDeleteWhile it's good that the tTG went down to a normal level, which, by the way, indicates healing of the small intestine, the still elevated AGA means some gluten is likely still sneaking in and it might be in the form of cross reactive foods, not just frank gluten.
In order to provide for you the best, I'd need some more information. If you'd like assistance consider contacting us for a free phone consultation - call 408-733-0400. We're here to help!
Thanks Dr,
ReplyDeleteI just find it weird that even before GF diet, the AGA was only 42 and I was eating alot bread upon 5 months of GF diet, it can even went up to a 70, which just doesnt make sense to me.
ReplyDeleteUnderstand that a positive test result is a positive result. Once it's positive, the difference in numbers isn't necessarily all that significant. "20" is positive - so stating it was "only 42" makes it sound as if it was "20" or "19". "42" is twice the allowed normal level.
I think that's the better way to think of it.
Hope that helps. The key is to discover the reason why. It's positive and that needs to be handled.
IF you need further assistance, consider calling as i mentioned earlier.
Dr Petersen
Thanks Dr Petersen, you guys have been very helpful and insightful!
ReplyDeleteHello Everyone!
ReplyDeleteI’m back and I’m still here. However, I have some questions.
My Doctor said I was on the borderline now. So I pressed him harder and asked him what did he mean and he said since I am on the max level of 20 on my Gliadin Peptide Ab, IgA that I should go Gluten Free now. As all of you know this is a big life changing thing. No more bread, pizza, sub way sandwiches, pasty, Italian food, etc. etc. The list goes on forever. I know I can make adjustments and I am prepared to, however I want to make sure I am reading all this correctly.
I am just still unsure if I will have celiac or have it now just the precursor, or do I just have an insensitivity to gluten. Keep it light but I can manage it.
I am little confused.
Do I go gluten free because I will get Celiac Disease if I don’t?
1-Do I have Celiac Disease or not?
2-If I don’t, does it looking like I am getting it?
3-What should I do?
4-Can you be in between it? Meaning can I be sensitive to gluten but yet eat it a little bit in moderation?
5-If I went 1 year off gluten, repaired my bloodwork numbers, and had little bits of bread here and there with gluten would I be okay?
6-My dad had celiac or thinks that he does, he never officially did the biopsy, however, he had lying on the floor pain to where he wanted to kill himself. Now that he is gluten free he never has that pain again. I have never experienced anything close to this. Will I?
7-Am I missing anything else from these results, does high iga or Ab, iga mean anything else with no other symptoms?
I have ibs out bursts, low intestine problems for sure off and on. Headaches sometimes. I am thinking that if I go off gluten anyway I am probably going to feel 1000 percent better. So I am thinking about trying it anyway, however its not the end of the world and I could keep eating loads of gluten, if everything stayed the same. However, if this blood work looks like I am heading for a on the floor screaming in pain session later in life, I mine as well take care of it now.
All my other full comp labs came back normal besides my slightly high bad cholesterol.
History of results:
HDL Cholesterol = 32 L
Should be >39
IgA = 682 H / Should be 68 - 379
Endo = Negative
tTg Ab, IgA = 8.3 / Should be <20
Gliadin Peptide Ab, IgG = 9.2 / should be <20
Gliadin Peptide Ab, IgA = 10.0 / should be <20
tTG Ab, IgG = 6.5 / Should be <20
IgA = 608 / Should be 68 - 379
Endo = Negative
tTg Ab, IgA = 11.9 / Should be <20
Gliadin Peptide Ab, IgG = 9.7 / should be <20
Gliadin Peptide Ab, IgA = 12.1 / should be <20
tTG Ab, IgG = 10.1 / Should be <20
2014 – Different Test
CCP Antibodies IgG/IgA = 12 / should be 0 – 19
2014 – Different Test
Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum = 710 / should be 91 – 414
2014 – Different Test
Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum = 721 / should be 91 – 414
Immunoglobulin M, Qn, Serum = 271 / should be 40 - 230
2014 – Different Test [Later in the year]
Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum = 753 / should be 91 – 441
Immunoglobulin M, Qn, Serum = 270 / should be 40 – 230
Immunoglobulin A = 690 / should be 68 – 379
Endomysial Screen = Negative
tTG Ab, IgA = 2 / should be <4
Gliadin Peptide Ab, IgG = 2 / should be <20
Gliadin Peptide Ab, IgA = 20 / should be <20
tTG Ab, IgG = 1 / should be <6
Cholesterol = 123 / should be 125 – 200
HDL Cholesterol = 29 / should be >40
@Anonymous -
ReplyDeleteA phone call might be good to clear up all your questions. As you know I cannot diagnose over the internet, so I will just answer some questions you have that are general in data.
1. The fact that your Dad has severe problems with gluten and you have IBS is a strong indicator that gluten is not your friend.
2. While it is a BIG deal to make a major lifestyle change plenty of people do it and here in the US there are many options that make the change fairly easy. I'm not sure where you live...
3. The elevated Immunoglobulin A that you have had so chronically indicates that your immune system is under stress and fighting something. It is worth the effort to figure out what that is and take the stress of the immune system.
4. The gliadin peptide AB, IgA, as your doctor pointed out is now not negative as it had been in the past. It is a test for celiac disease.
5. There is a lot of evidence that would make a gluten-free diet a valid lifestyle change.
6. What we know now, there is no "mild" case of celiac or gluten sensitivity - you either have the problem or you don't. If you do the first step is to eliminate ALL gluten. There is no point in being halfway about it. Cheating just doesn't work.
7. Lastly, waiting until things get worse is a bit like playing Russian roulette - it's something I just don't advise.
And finally, I'm happy to offer you a free phone consultation (408-733-0400) to ensure you get the assistance you need. You're young and you deserve to enjoy good health. I think you just need some accurate data to help you make the right decision for yourself.
Dr Vikki Petersen
Thank you Dr. Vikki Petersen, I will call you but please see my latest test results, because I am still confused.
ReplyDeleteGood Update! Need Your Advice!
Okay everyone, I just got back my results for my both my Genetic Celiac and Immunofixation, Serum TESTS.
Immunofixation, Serum:
No monoclonal protein identified.
HLA Typing for Celiac Disease:
The patient has one of the HLA-DQ variants associated with celiac disease. More than 97% of celiac disease patients carry either HLA-DQ2 (DQA1*05/DQB1*02) or HLA-DQ8 (DQA1*03/DQB1*0302) or both. However, 39% of the general U.S. population carry these HLA-DQ variants, as a consequence, the presence of HLA-DQ2 or DQ8 or both variants is not per se diagnostic of cecliac disease. Genetic counseling as needed.
HLA-DQ2 – Negative
HLA-DQ8 – Positive
HLA-DQA1* – 01
HLA-DQA1* – 03
HLA-DQB1* – 0302
HLA-DQB1* – 0503
Both My Doctor’s Recommendations:
Doctor 01 – Internal Medicine
Says that my Peptide IgA = 20 means that I have a gluten sensitivity and that I should go on a gluten free diet. Also said my IgA = 680 is of no significance because it has stabilized and actually lowered from 710 to 680.
Doctor 02 – GI Doctor
Says my Genetic Test doesn’t mean anything and that the only way to find out for sure is to stay on gluten and perform a Biopsy. I almost feel like he is trying to sell me a Biopsy but I could be wrong.
1-Not sure what the results mean, can I get Celiac or Not? Is it in my genes, I guess it is, I’m one of those 39%. Maybe if I was one of the 71%, I guess I would have nothing to worry about.
2-Do I go off gluten or do I stay on it?
3-My Father never got the Biopsy done because he did not want to risk a procedure, he was very confident that when he got off gluten that he felt better overnight. Should I just go down the same path as him? I mean if I do have the small possibility to get it, why even risk it. Just go gluten free, right?
Please help me to interpret these results and give me guidance on what to do. Thank you.
P.S. I forgot to mention that I have been gluten free 2-3 weeks now just trying it out and I feel absolutely amazing. I mean it’s like night and day. I use to feel sluggish, sometimes rarely I would get a slight pain right before going to the bathroom in my lower intestine, I would have diary sometimes, IBS problems, whatever, nothing seriously hardcore, never serious main or major pain, just a lot of discomfort, I mean sometime I would be fine and sometimes not. As of right now I have had zero issues with my gut, bloating, gas, pain, discomfort, I mean it’s like I’m a new person. So I guess I diagnosed myself. I mean I could do a Biopsy and stay on gluten like one of my Doctors say, but what’s the point? I have it possibly in my genes and I feel amazing. Just probably need to go Gluten Free!
ReplyDeleteLet me know what you think!
ReplyDeleteYou have submitted data that your blood test is positive. You have also submitted data from a lab that your genetic test is positive. You feel better having eliminated gluten. You have symptoms that are consistent w/ celiac disease.
This puts you in the 4 out of 5 criteria for diagnosis of celiac disease. There are 5 criteria for the diagnosis and one only has to fulfill 4 of the 5 to comfortably and accurately, according to the experts, get a celiac diagnosis. The 5th criteria is the biopsy, but as I mentioned, one only needs to fulfill 4 of the 5, and per the data you have cited, you have done this.
I'm not sure what more you need to know. I do think you should receive help from a clinician that can ensure you heal, increase the strength of your immune system, etc. But as regards a diagnosis, the experts came up with the criteria I have mentioned and based on that, you likely have your answer.
Me again. I am probably definitely giving you a call to touch base. I just need to finish up a few things at work first but please see below and tell me what you think. I am the same current person with the blood tests that just were posted.
ReplyDeleteLast main point! Question/Theory?
So here is why I started this whole Journey. I wanted to know if I could get Celiac or have Celiac. The reason being is because my wife is pregnant and we are going to be have 2-3 kids. I wanted to know if I am going to have to be that Dad that is like I can’t have that piece of pizza because it has gluten in it. Or have they ask why Daddy are you not eating a piece of pizza. I know that this is a lame example but I mean just wanted to be sure that I had to go this direction.
That’s not my main question.
My Theory is that Gluten intolerance is like smoking, or drinking. Yes both can ultimately kill you and make sure very sick but if you just smoke a little and drink a little you probably are not going to die. Yes we can debate this a million ways to Sunday but I know if for example you are just a social drinker you should be fine.
This is like Gluten. I think I can go gluten free for a year and let my inner lining heal 100%. Then re-introduce gluten into my system on extremely small amounts like breaded fish, or the occasional hamburger, but never binge on it with rolls, pizza, subway sandwiches, and tons and tons of pasta like I have been doing just recently.
The only strange thing here is that I have read peoples post online to where Celiac is extremely embarrassing and hard. To where some people can’t have a single trace of gluten in their diet ever. They have to even ask if they use the same kitchen tools for their non-gluten cooking because they are worried that they might have a trace of gluten on it. Maybe some people react differently or have the pain like my dad and have to avoid, I don’t know. I do know that even my dad has a little gluten every now and then and he is fine.
So my main question is. I know that gluten can damage your system without you even knowing it, or sign of any systems. But how bad is it? I have asked my Doctor about this and he said that it is impossible to be completely pure. That you just go on a gluten diet and eat it at least as possible. THAT CAME FROM MY DOCTOR.
So is my theory right? Can you go gluten free and just have a little once in a blue moon, or will you die? Could you develop cancer secretly in your gut because you had a piece of pizza or a subway sandwich a few times a year? Without even knowing it?
Or can you heal for like a year, get your system strong again, and just cheat or have a piece of gluten once in a blue moon, because my dad is doing that right now. Or is he going to die?
I am not taking about the symptoms here. I mean at least we know what it is. I mean if it is gluten, and you have a strong system, if you eat it will you just have to deal with the aggravation of the symptoms if you eat it? Seems to me this is the correct answer.
I mean I believe some people are going to say you can’t have a spec of gluten but I think they are wrong. I think you can have a spec every now and then just like you can have a drink of alcohol every now and then. You might have a hangover later, or might have IBS, but you will not die.
I think yes, if you leave your gluten unchecked and eat bread all the time and just live in discomfort with possible pain and ignore everything, yes you could develop something much worse. But I would never do this. I am a very detailed person and will go gluten free base on my results. Simply having the possibility of developing Celiac is enough for me, but cheating every now and then I do not think is out of the question.
Let me know what all of you think. I really appreciate all of your help!
@anonymous: NO, I repeat NO - you cannot cheat when you have celiac disease, or GS. It's a qualitative issue, not a quantitative one. A small bite is enough to damage you and put you at risk for autoimmune disease, the same way the whole cookie or loaf of bread will.
ReplyDeleteNO, you cannot cheat!
I was thinking along the same line as u. Silent celiac myself. I think listen to the advice by Dr Viki is the best. Dont cheat! yea i know is damn hard!
ReplyDeleteDr. Vikki, I will be probably giving you a call to clarify all of this. When is the best time to call?
ReplyDeleteAlso. I posted my results on a few other sites. I can give you thinks as well. I have been in, in depth conversations with people.
I gave you the same results as them, why are they saying this:
Antibodies are proteins in your body that your immune system makes to protect you. There are different types of antibodies M, G, A, E. They are usually written in short hand like this: IgA (Immunoglobulin A)
In general, A is made in your intestines, E is an allergy antibody (run by histamine), G is long term and M is short term.
There are many different types of antibodies in your body. Each antibody is specific to a certain foreign body (i.e. there are antibodies to adenovirus that cause the common cold, antibodies to pollen, dust, bacteria etc) For example, the CCP antibody in the list above is very specific for rheumatoid arthritis.
When your doctor ordered a general IgA level, that measures ALL of the different types of antibodies in your body. However, it does not diagnose Celiac specifically. The only disease a total IgA level can diagnose is IgA deficiency (or other immunodeficiencies caused by low functioning immune system). Your doctor also ordered an anti-TTG antibody - this is an antibody to transglutaminase. There are 2 kinds of these - IgA and IgG (intestine and long term). There are other antibodies that tend to be positive in celiac - endomysial antibodies and gliadin. It looks like from your list that ALL of the antibodies ordered that measure antibodies found in Celiac were negative. As long as your were not on a gluten free diet at the time, this generally indicates you do not have celiac (it's not 100% BTW)
Hope that helps
Please let me know what you think Dr. Vikki. Thank you.
Dr. Vikki,
ReplyDeletePlease disregard my last comment. The other person didn't see the result of peptide 20.
However, I have read that blood tests alone cannot diagnose someone because they are not 100% reliable.
I am probably going to have to call you to get all this clarified. Thank you.
I just still feel in my heart, that if I go 100% off gluten for 3-4 years, heal my system, heal my villi, I could have a little piece of gluten here and there in really small amounts.
If this is not the case, where can I read up on this?
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSomeone mentioned on another forum about "Silent Celiac" this is exactly what I was needing in order to complete my research. Here is a great article about it.
Please read this if you are on the fence, but this is exactly what I was trying to say.
Of course, he recommends to stay on a gluten free diet however, he says in the end its a Gamble. Its up to you. You could eat gluten once or twice a month and never get cancer, or develop something worse or you could. However, this is life, you could get cancer at any time, or get hit by a car, or smoke and get cancer or not.
I agree with everyone, be as safe as possible, however everyone's risk tolerance is different, and I think people should respect that. If I want to increase my risk a little I should be able to do that without being criticized.
However I really appreciate everyone's help! Thank you!
good luck to you!
ReplyDeleteDr. Vikki,
ReplyDeleteWhen is usually the best time to call? Days of the week? Monday - Friday?
Which country are you from?
Thank you for all of your help!
ReplyDeleteI just got my test results as following,
Component Your Value Standard Range
TTG IgA Ab 0.3 u/ml 0.1 - 10.0 u/ml
Could you please tell me what does it mean?
@Anonymous: that is a negative test, since the value is 0.3 and the reference range is 0.1 to 10.0. However, that test should not be run alone. Was there a total IgA? Did they run tTG IgG??
ReplyDeleteI'd have to know your symptoms and why the test was run but it shouldn't have been run without any other tests to back it up and support it. I touch upon this in the blog. Look where I discuss the importance of total IgA and how without it you can have a false negative.
Let me know if you need assistance - I'm here to help! You can call for a free phone consultation if you'd like: 408-733-0400.
Would you please explain what it means to abnormal ttg igg only but a normal total iga? I have a close family member with Celiac but the nurse Practitioner couldn't explain the ttg igg without an elevated iga. Thank you.
ReplyDeletettg igg 7H (range 0-5)
ttg iga <2 (r0-3)
demainated gliadin igg 3 (0-19)
gliadin iga 4 (0-19)
Edomysial Antiobody Iga negative
Immunoglobulin A 207 (range 87-352)
After almost 2 years of chronic fatigue, digestive issues (bloating, horrible stomach aches, irregularity, gas), headaches, overall blah feeling, and specific RUQ pain in 1 particular spot, I went to my doc. Initially she suspected gallbladder because every aunt, my mom and my Gma have had gallbladders removed. Ultrasound and HIDA scan were perfectly normal. So she referred me to a gastroenterologist. GI doc wanted to do an endoscopy as well as blood work for celiac disease. Here are my blood test results:
ReplyDeleteIGA = 221 mg/dL (ref range 70-400 mg/dL)
Tissue Transglutaminase Ab IgA = 1.5 units/ml (ref range <4.0 (negative))
Tissue Transglutaminase Ab Igg = 19.2 units/ml (ref range <6.0 (negative))
I was told by the GI that my blood test indicates Celiac so she said she would take a small intestine biopsy during my scope. The results of my biopsy were completely healthy/normal.
However, both the GI and my reg doc said that my TTG-IgG would not be elevated unless I had celiac. That my negative biopsy may just indicate we caught it in the early stages. The more I research and read the more I question if celiac is really what is going on.
Any input would be appreciated.
Thank you.
After being gluten free for 18 mo, I did a 6 wk gluten challenge. Dr ran TTG-IGG which was <0.8. Positive is greater than 15. No other tests were ordered. This seemed to mean I'mean not NCIS or CDMA. But I feel lousy on a gluten diet, not so much from day one, but progressively. So what am I to think?
ReplyDelete@LauraS - thank you for writing. I would be happy to help. First, your body doesn't lie. You feel "lousy" on gluten because your body truly IS reacting to gluten. A tTG test is a celiac panel. It will NEVER show positive on someone who has gluten sensitivity (NCGS). There are also individuals who do have celiac and the tTG test is negative, although that is less common.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is doctors run a "token" celiac test and then erroneously tell you that you are fine to eat gluten. It's not true.
Please reach out and I'll give you a free phone consultation. (Call 408-733-0400) You deserve to feel healthy and enjoy your life free of disease. Continuing to eat gluten will likely create long term issues that can be avoided.
I'd be happy to help and look forward to hearing from you.
@anonymous who wrote:
ReplyDeleteWhen is usually the best time to call? Days of the week? Monday - Friday?
We do work Monday through Friday, yes. Someone is available to answer the phone from 9 am to 7 pm.
Which country are you from? WE are located in the U.S., in the state of California.
redpandaman 34 - I actually do review this in the blog. It is not uncommon to have a negative IgA and a positive IgG. The IgA can get depleted due to immune stress. This is why it is so important to get a total IgA and if it's deficient, run IgA and G both.
ReplyDeleteI would need to know more about your health but the test is suspicious of celiac disease. I would be happy to help.
Call us for a Free phone consultation (call 408-733-0400) and we can discuss your health further and figure out the best approach to assist you.
I look forward to speaking with you!