Wednesday, October 06, 2010

A near brush with death - saving my neighbor's Weimaraner

I was late for work this morning but I had a good excuse – I was saving the life of my neighbor’s dog, a lovely Weimaraner.  He’s a puppy but full grown and obviously inquisitive.  I was backing down my driveway when I heard a horrendous sound.  I don’t know if I can adequately explain it but it was definitely a sound of suffering.  These neighbors live across the street so it didn’t take me long to find the source of the wailing. I left my car running and the driver’s door open and assessed the situation that this sweet dog had gotten himself into.

My neighbors have a large Victorian home with a white picket fence.  The dog had somehow gotten himself in two significant dilemmas: Firstly he had hooked his collar on a heavy metal edging that consists of curling pieces of metal, many of which line their garden.  The whole section was about three or four feet in length.  I’m assuming that once he got hooked on to this he got nervous and while standing up along the picket fence now worsened his position by secondly getting the metal edging hooked on the fence.  When I saw him he was on his hind legs with his fingernails digging in to the fence, eyes bulging and he was literally in the process of getting strangled.  He has another dog buddy that the family also owns, a Labrador mix, and he was all upset and pacing up and down the yard feeling, no doubt, helpless at his inability to help his friend.

I first ran around and let myself in to the yard and tried to help.  The dog was terrified understandably and acting quite vicious.  I realized I needed help and contemplated 911 but realized that time was too precious to wait.  Fortunately I have a neighbor that works from home and I made a quick prayer that he was available.  I ran across the street and rang his doorbell several times.  I think the multiple doorbell rings made him suspicious as he asked who it was before opening the door.  I introduced myself and fortunately he responded and I alerted him to the situation as we raced across the street.  He was in shorts and bare feet and I was in my dressy office attire – we must have made an interesting site…

First order of business was lifting the metal edging off the picket fence, something  I had been unable to do on my own.  With that done the dog was understandably relieved but he was still hooked on to the metal edging.  It took some coaxing but unhooking his collar was accomplished and he ran off looking, amazingly, none the worse for wear!  I thanked my neighbor profusely and he took care of contacting the owners to ensure that the pup could get evaluated by his vet.

As a dog-lover I was thrilled at the happy outcome and glad that I was at the right place at the right time.

Visit us at If you have questions or need any help, I’m here for you! Call 408-733-0400.

I look forward to hearing from you.

To your good health,
Dr Vikki Petersen, DC, CCN, CFMP

IFM Certified Practitioner

Founder of Root Cause Medical Clinic
Co-author of “The Gluten Effect”

Author of the eBook: “Gluten Intolerance – What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You!”


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Poor dog!

    Can you please write a blog post on on healing a leaky gut? I am almost positive I am gluten intolerant (celiac biopsy came back negative), but I won't be sure until I'm off Prednisone (in a couple weeks, hopefully), which I was given some weeks ago because of the severe inflammation/joint pain I had.

    I began an elimination diet a few weeks ago. I am off gluten (forever!) and dairy, eggs, soy, caffeine, nightshades, and a bunch of other irritating or inflammatory foods temporarily, until I can begin introducing them slowly to see my reaction. But how long does it take (roughly, because I know each body reacts differently) does it take to heal a leaky gut? And when would be a good time to start re-introducing the dairy, eggs, etc.? I'm not sure which online sources to trust, but I trust you, so I'm hoping you can give us some info.


  2. Glad to hear you were there to help the dog and save his life. I hope they find a way to keep that from happening again.

  3. Hello Anonymous,

    I just wrote a blog on healing a leaky gut a few days ago, October 11th entitled: "Why do some celiacs never heal?".

    In answer to your second question I wouldn't recommend introducing dairy other than organic butter. As regards the rest, we usually begin introducing after about 2 weeks post removal (excluding gluten of course).

    Eat the food, let's say eggs twice that day and then observe that day and for the following two to ensure there is no negative response. If all seems good then you should be okay to keep it in your diet.

    However, and it's a big however, if there is a nasty infection or inflammation in the gut you may "seem" to not tolerate a lot of foods that are really okay but don't appear to be due to the underlying situation.

    But see how the reintroduction goes and let me know if I can answer any more questions.

    Dr Vikki
